Key stage 1 – year 2

  1. By the beginning of year 2, pupils should be able to read all common graphemes. They should also be able to read unfamiliar words containing these graphemes, accurately and without undue hesitation, by sounding them out in books that are matched closely to each pupil’s level of word reading knowledge.
  2. Pupil should be able to read many common words containing GPCs taught so far [for example, shout, hand, stop, or dream], without needing to blend the sounds out loud first.
  3. Pupils will increase their fluency by being able to read the words easily and automatically, moreover, they should be able to retell some familiar stories that have been read to and discussed with them or that they have acted out during year 1.
  4. During year 2, teachers will continue to focus on establishing pupils’ accurate and speedy word reading skills. They will also make sure that pupils listen to and discuss a wide range of stories, poems, plays and information books; this could include whole books. The sooner that pupils can read well and do so frequently, the sooner they will be able to increase their vocabulary, comprehension and their knowledge across the wider curriculum.
  5. In writing, pupils at the beginning of year 2 should be able to compose individual sentences orally and then write them down.

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